Electronic – PIR sensor outputs HIGH for too many seconds


I've a pretty simple set up which consists of a PIR sensor and ESP8266.
This PIR sensor outputs a HIGH value when presence is detected. This HIGH value lasts for 8 seconds.

I want this trigger to wake up a ESP8266 chip from a deep sleep. To do so, I must send a LOW to the RST Pin.

So with a NPN transistor, I switch it LOW once PIR outputs HIGH.

This works. However, as the HIGH lasts for 8 seconds, the RST remains in LOW and the ESP does not boot until it's back to HIGH.

So question is: Is there any way to convert this long output to become a fast "trigger"?

I attach an screenshot of the schematics in case it helps.
enter image description here
(credit of the picture: https://github.com/rgrokett/ESP8266_PIRv2/blob/master/ESP8266_PIRv2.pdf)

Best Answer

I think will create enough of a blip to reset the ESP:


simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab