Electronic – Placing a net tie underneath another component without the DRC error


I'm using Altium Designer 19 and I have a ton of Net Ties many of which I'd like to place underneath other components. My net tie is just 2 6mil pads connected by a trace without any silkscreen or 3d bodies or courtyard or anything… and with the component type set to "net tie (no BOM)". All is well.

However, putting these net ties ( which just looks like a "chunk of trace") under another component I get a DRC collision error. I could ignore these errors, but that seems like bad practice and there are a lot of them. Is there a way to update the library net tie component to tell it that it doesn't have any actual component body and shouldn't generate any collision errors?

Best Answer

You can add another Component Clearance rule under Placement with a custom query such as ComponentType = 'Net Tie', HasFootprint('nettie'), DesignItemID ='nettie' etc.

Set the vertical clearance for that rule to 0 and horizontal clearance to whatever you need.

Set the priority of this rule above the other component rules, so Altium wouldn't complain about it having vertical clearance issues.