Electronic – Plot a 50Hz Sine Wave in Excel


I am trying to show a visual representation of a few cycles of a 50Hz and 60Hz sine wave at 400 Volts overlapping and trying to find out how to create this as a chart in Excel.
Does anyone know how to do that?

Best Answer

This is pretty easy to do:

  1. You need a monotonic time-base. With sin(), you get one complete sine cycle every \$2\pi\$ input values. In this case, I generated a increasing value with a maximum of ~15 (or a bit more then 2 cycles).
    enter image description here

  2. Then, you apply the sin() function to the values from the first column, in a second column.
    enter image description here

  3. You now have a sine-wave dataset! Plot it:
    enter image description here

Volia: A sine wave!

For different frequencies, you can incorporate a scaling value into the time-value before it is fed into the sin() function. This will let you arbitrarily scale the time-units between multiple columns, if needed.

  • Note that this sine-wave has a peak-peak value of 2 units, and the timebase is arbitrary. I leave scaling the wave up to you (just apply an offset and scaling value to the sinewave column).
  • I'm assuming familliarity with excel. If you don't know how to plot things in excel, you should ask somewhere like http://superuser.com.
  • Technically, I did this with LibreOffice. It's close enough.