Electronic – Plug from laptop AC adapter was broke


When I tried to plug my AC adapter was broke. Here you can see it:

enter image description here

It's only the wire so I can replace it without any problem from my AC adapter. But my question is: Can I use any wire (while it has the same connector) or I have to check the voltage too?

I have an old wire with the same connector, I tried with it and it works. But I don't know if I can use it or it can damage my AC adapter (sending different voltage for example, I don't know). Here you can see physical differences (the old wire connector looks like the same, but I found a little difference, the holes are a a little bigger than my actual wire): http://postimg.org/image/j1obisnzr/

Best Answer

It should be fine as long as it fits snugly into the AC adapter. There can be no difference in voltage between the two cables.