Electronic – Polar form vs phasor form


I know that polar form has two parts. Amplitude and angle but
What is difference between polar form and phasor form of complex numbers? Or phasor form just includes amplitude form of a complex number?

Best Answer

A phasor is a complex representation of the magnitude and phase of a sinusoid and is based on Euler's identity:

$$ e^{\pm j\phi} = cos(\phi) \pm j sin(\phi) $$

If you have a sinusoidal voltage given by: $$ v(t) = V_m cos(\omega t + \phi)$$ you can express it in phasor form by first taking the real part of it

$$v(t) = Re(V_me^{j(\omega t + \phi)})$$ thus $$v(t) = Re(V e^{j\omega t})$$ where $$V = V_m e^{j\phi} = V_m \angle \phi$$

V is thus a phasor representation of the sinusiod v(t)

So having show that you can see that a phasor is a complex number in a polar form.