Electronic – Positive and Negative Voltage Regualtors

7805linearpowerpower supplyvoltage-regulator

I was wondering whether I could use a negative voltage regulator, specifically a 7905, as a drop-in replacement for a positive one, 7805.

On closer inspection of the datasheet, I realized that pin 1 is the most positive, pin 2 is the most negative, and pin 3 is somewhere in between.

P.S. Worst-case scenario I can simply do a quick and dirty DIY regulator with a zener, op-amp, and a transistor.

Best Answer

No, a negative regulator is not the same as a positive regulator with the pins swapped or something.

Think about it. If the same device could work in both roles, then why would there be separate positive and negative regulators? Do you really think it didn't occur to National Semiconductor and engineers who have been using these things for the last 40 years that a negative regulator could be used as a positive regulator if that were actually so?