Electronic – Possibility of poles with positive real part in RLC filter


are there the poles with positive real part in any function mode of the RLC filter?

enter image description here

The equation to determine the poles is the following:


$$s_{1,2}=\frac{-L\pm \sqrt {L^2-4R^2LC}}{2RLC}$$

Thank you for your time.

P.s. I posted this question because my professor said that the poles have always real part negative or zero.

Best Answer

Do the math for \$s_{1,2}\$, looking at the numerator. Assuming no component is zero, the term \$\sqrt{L^2 - 4R^2 LC}\$ will have a real part no larger than \$L\$. Therefore, the real part of \$-L \pm \sqrt{L^2 - 4R^2 LC}\$ will have a range of \$(0, -L]\$. This gives the result your professor arrived at.

This analysis is valid for the expected linear, positive-valued devices implied by the question and your professor's response. This result does not necessarily hold for non-linear devices that exhibit negative resistances.