Electronic – Possible to parallel PC power supplies & increase voltage to 14 VDC

high-currentparallelpower supply

I'm in need of 14 VDC @ 100 amps. Switching power supplies are available but too costly. I have enough supplies left over from various desktops to assemble such a beast it's just how? This is to power a 500 Watt HF amplifier so solid voltage regulation and excellent filtering is a must. I've found projects to convert a PC power supply as a multi-voltage bench supply but nothing found to increase the 12 volt rail to 14 volts and then parallel for greater current.

Best Answer

No, you can't generally parallel multiple supplies and get higher voltage. Each supply will regulate to a specific voltage. Even if all are rated the same, some will be a little higher and some a little lower. The ones set a little higher will take most of the load. There may also be oscillations as the multiple supplies try to fight each other. In no case does this have anything to do with making more voltage.

It is possible to parallel some supplies to achieve higher overall current. However, the supplies need to be designed or rated for this. Switchers are often easier to design for paralleling. Some even have a current sharing signal. This signal is connected between the supplies, which is used to level the amount of current each supply produces. Some supplies achieve this instead by having a somewhat soft current limit. Even if one supply is set a little higher than the others, it will hit its current limit and its output voltage will drop a little. This causes other supplies to kick in and start producing current to hold up the bus. This is generally not considered as good as deliberate current sharing, but it can work with the right design.

In any case, you're going to need switchers one way or the other. You want 1.4 kW out, so dealing with waste heat is going to be a major design issue. Even at 90% efficiency you still have 156 W of heat to deal with. That's not trivial. You say switchers are too costly, but what you want to do is not trivial and doing it right will cost. If you think switchers are too expensive, take a look at the total cost of the alternatives!