Electronic – PR controller electrical circuit

control system

I am attempting to design a PR control feedback loop for a grid tie inverter. The math checks out but I can't seem to convert the transfer function and/or block diagram into an actual electrical circuit. Please find the block and transfer function attached. I would like to get an op amp circuit to implement this block diagram

Best Answer

Normally you would find an op amp topology such as a sallen key:

enter image description here

which the transfer function would be

$$ H(s)=\frac{Z_3Z_4}{Z_1Z_2+Z_3(Z_1+Z_2)+Z_3Z_4}$$

And typically resistors \$ Z_x(s)=R\$ and capacitors \$ Z_x(s)=\frac{1}{Cs}\$ are used in these types of active filters.

There are also other realizable transfer functions that you can build with op amps:

enter image description here Source: slideplayer.com

However the transfer function you supplied is not realizable with general filters:

$$ H(s)=\frac{Ks}{s^2+w^2} \neq \frac{Z_3Z_4}{Z_1Z_2+Z_3(Z_1+Z_2)+Z_3Z_4}$$

because there is a middle term in the polynomial, no combination of high pass or low pass filters can used to construct your desired loop.

I will say this, an integrator is achieved this way with opamps:

enter image description here Source: electronics-tutorials.ws/opamp/opamp_6.html

$$ H(s)=\frac{1}{sRC}$$

So you could use that in your top and bottom portion of the loop.

If your looking to simply shift the frequency, then use a PLL, described here. Or a circuit such as an orthogonal signal generator