Electronic – Pressure gauge with analog output


I have a circuit that needs to electrically output a pressure value and display it using analog dial gauge. First I wanted to use regular round ammeters but they don't look like "real" pressure gaugeish. Have a look to get an idea about what I mean

Ammeter Pressure gauge

Needle in a pressure gauges is usually mounted in the center and have a much more wider travel sector. The best I can think of is to get an auto tachometer, print a new dial face with pressure scale and remove all unnecessary control electronics from the tachometer leaving only galvanometer and a precision resistor inside. Then I plan to drive it with PWM. There is another type of tacho that uses a small stepper inside. This should be also fairly simple to drive.

enter image description here

I don't want to reinvent the wheel, so want to ask if anybody knows about a product that does exactly same job, i.e. pressure gauge simulator?

Best Answer

If you haven't already decided on which pressure transducer you want to use, chances are you can find a manufacturer who can fix you up with something sporting a pressure range and a remote readout that suits you.

If not, there are lots of nice analog panel meters around with dial faces you could modify and with their pointers rotating about the center of their dial faces like you want, like the one below,say, and a few more here enter image description here

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