Electronic – Preventing Altium via stitching on the designators


In Altium, I want to add via stitching on the ground pours. But the vias sometimes are placed on the designators. I don't want to adjust the designators on silk every time after stitching. So, is there any way to tell Altium not to do stitching on my designators, even on any object on my silkscreen?

Best Answer

This answer is twofold, answering these questions:

  1. Can you do it?
  2. Should you want to do it?

1. Can you do it?

You most probably can. In the Clearance Rules you can use the keyword "IsStitchingVia", or the parameter line "IsStitchingVia and InNet('{yourNetName}')" for a specific net for the first object and for the second object you can use "InLayer('{yourLayerName}')" and all kinds of specific keywords to find component labels.

But I have never tested whether this works with Silkscreen specifically, since: See 2.

2. Should you want to do it?

No. You should want to keep the stitching as perfect as your design allows, because if you have a need for stitching, you have a need for it to be good and as complete as possible.

Want to make sure your designators are still readable over a via in your stitch? You have them filled and tented. Or very tiny and tented will also often fill them with solder mask automatically - whether filled and tented or tiny and tented is cheaper depends on your fab, but it's extremely likely tiny and tented is cheaper these days.

Appendix: How to tent stitched vias

To fully tent your vias, in the "Add Stitching to Net" menu click the check-marks in front of "Force Complete tenting on Top" and "Force Complete tenting on Bottom". In Version 15 that's lower right, I seem to remember the same for 14, for 16 I don't know as I'm in a critical design and can't risk an update right now.

How to get the vias neatly filled is, as far as I know, asking the Fab what parameter to set and how, but to be honest, last design with Altium I had filled vias my colleague did that, making the last time I specifically requested them myself 2007, so I forgot. (It's possible he just phoned them to ask how small a via should be to guarantee it gets filled with solder mask when tented, to be honest)