Electronic – Problems connecting ST-Link V2 and STM32F4 discovery board


I'm unable to connect to my STM32F4Discovery board using an ST-Link/v2.

I've removed jumpers from CN3, connected the cables correctly but the utility tool won't detect anything…

Using the ST-Link/v2 manual:

PIN1  (VAPP)      -> VDD
PIN20 (GND)       -> GND

Here is the physical connection:

enter image description here

And software settings:

enter image description here

This is the error message that I get when trying to connect:

enter image description here

Here is the log message that I get in trace:

ST-Link/V2 device detected
Target voltage detected: 0.601975
Driving NRST low
Error getting target IDCODE: if SWD, check SWD connection
Error (4) while initializing ST-Link in SWD mode

Please help, it's driving me mad…

Best Answer

Target voltage detected: 0.601975

You need to power your target. The debug adapter does not provide power, it uses the Vtarget pin to determine the output voltage levels.