Electronic – Product Development using ARM mBED OS


I have been working on 32-bit ARM cortex controllers writing the code from the grounds up. Now I am looking at ARM mBED OS, but few questions are bothering me. Sorry if it feels too trivial.
I have a small form factor for my product, using ARM mBED HDK will I be able to achieve it. Ex: say I have a MCU, a display and 2 sensors. To use ARM mBED there are some Hardware requirements, after making room for it will I still be able to meet the small form factor requirement.

Or can we declare mBED based products are only used for prototyping ?

I am in a phase of making a decision as to if I need to continue thinking of ARM mBED as an option or rather better pick an MCU and start configuring it. I just need some clarity on this platform wrt final product development.

Best Answer

ARM mBED is just a software library with a easy to use abstraction layer of typical micro-controller peripherals (SPI, GPIO etc.). It is not even a very complicated one.

Being a software library is has no impact on the form-factor of your final product.

There aren't really any hardware requirements except picking an ARM chip that is supported by mBED. In the end, if your software is working all what's really required to run the mBED code is the micro-controller, a voltage regulator, a hand full of bypass capacitors (and maybe a crystal oscillator if you need precise timing) plus whatever peripheral chips you interface with.

So there is not a big difference to a bare metal system.

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