Electronic – PWM control of air core motor

electromagneticpwmstepper motor

I am driving an air core motor using PWM control from a microprocessor. The position of the air core is dictated by the combined magnetic field created by applying 2 currents to 2 coils (sine coil and cosine coil):

tan theta = Isin / Icos


simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab

The current in each coil is being created by PWM – the maximum PWM duty cycle is 75% and the minimum is 0%.

As I slowly change the values of the sine and cosine currents through 360 degrees, the magnet follows the desired position very nicely. However, around the 0, 90, 180 and 270 degree positions, the needle slows down as it passes through the quadrantal position then speeds back up to the normal rate of change in position (even though I am changing the desired position at a constant rate [0.1 degrees change per step]).

My question is, can you think of a reason why this is the case?

EDIT: Having inspected the air core, the magnet is surrounded by both coils, as shown.


simulate this circuit

The physical arrangement is shown here:

enter image description here

The patent here (PWM driver patent) describes an issue that appears similar, however, it is caused by a microprocessor being unable to accurately generate a PWM waveform when close to 0% and 100% duty cycles (back in 1991). We have a hardware PWM module, so there is no issue with this.

What is the force on the needle? Is it constant throughout 360 degrees rotation, or does it vary according to its angular position?

We are attempting to change the desired position (combined magnetic field of the coils) at a constant rate. It looks almost as though the force on the needle is less when it is nearly aligned with one of the coils and when the desired position is not close to being aligned with one of the coils that the force is greater.

Best Answer

"appears to be a reduced force on the magnet when the magnet is close to being aligned with one of the coils, but no-one has explained why this might be the case"

When the magnet is aligned with one of the coils, the field lines go straight along the length of the magnet and there is no off-magnet-axis component of the field from that magnet to generate sideways force. This is so even though the coil current is at its maximum and is producing its greatest field strength. For any disturbance, the restoring torque will be very low because of this alignment. On top of that, the other magnet will be at the current crossover point and will be generating zero field, so it won't be doing anything to stabilize the magnet position either.

At 45 degrees both magnets are active at 71% of their maximum field strength and the magnet is being held in position by the vector sum of two fairly strong off-magnet-axis fields. If it is perturbed, the restoring force per degree of perturbation is much greater.

Electrical engineering is not my specialty, but I built my first DC motor out of wood, nails & scrap wire when I was in primary (elementary?) school 60-odd years ago.