Electronic – Raspberry Pi stereo camera frame synchronization/genlock (video or still image)

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I need to frame synchronize a stereo camera for a computer vision application. The synchronization should the best possible, hopefully on a millisecond level. I would like to get about 10 FPS either as video or still images. Resolution requirement is around 2 Mpix.

The application will be mobile stereo road/terrain scanner from a passenger car moving up to say 100 km/h during daytime (thus good lighting conditions). Rolling shutter should not be an issue with Pi camera at FullHD according to this and this video.

My current hardware search has ended up with a Raspberry Pi solution. I think basically I have 2 options with it:

  1. Get two standalone Raspberry Pi units each with a camera on it. Synchronize them via an external GPIO trigger. Cost is 2×25+2×16 = £82.

  2. Get the new Compute Module Development Kit and connect both cameras to the single board. Couple the two cameras for a simultaneous release with software. Cost is 126+16+16 = £158.

Will both options have similar sync results? Also I would rather like still image output than video output, because I will need to extract given frames from the video anyways. The still images would preferably be uncompressed not to loose image detail, but JPEG is OK too. I am not sure how many FPS can do the GPIO external trigger with still imaging.

Cost is an important factor for me. Using USB webcams probably wont work since USB devices cant be synced easily (see link below). I will be happy with another hardware recommendation if someone knows better stuff within a similar price range.

The origin of this question is on Video Production SE site in a post titled Creating synchronized stereo videos with 2 cameras at low cost. This link can reveal some more background.

Best Answer

I think your both options/ideas (Pi and Compute) can work.

Raspberry Pi GPIO is fast enough (10MHz+), reading GPIO input state every millisecond will be no problem at all.

If you want to process data on Raspberry Pi with OpenCV or something like that - don't expect too much, Pi CPU is not that fast as some people think. Do some experiments with pre-recorded video or images and see how much computing power you have.

If you find that Raspberry is not fast enough - you can use something like this (for image processing):

Nvidia Jetson TK1 Development Kit

- NVIDIA Kepler GPU with 192 CUDA cores
- NVIDIA 4-Plus-1 quad-core ARM Cortex-A15 CPU
- 2 GB memory, 16 GB eMMC
- Gigabit Ethernet, USB 3.0, SD/MMC, miniPCIe
- HDMI 1.4, SATA, Line out/Mic in, RS232 serial port
- Expansion ports for additional display, GPIOs, and high-bandwidth camera interface

I don't know much about this, just read somewhere about these Nvidia products, but it cost less than Pi Compute module (192USD is 115GBP?), and there is a lot more computing power.

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