Electronic – Raspberry pi super capacitor power supply

capacitorraspberry pi

I'm trying to make a simple ups for a raspberry pi dash cam. The goal is to provide power to the pi for about 10 seconds after the car has stopped running. When the power supply turns off, the gpio pin will read low and the pi will begin to shutdown, using the capacitor for power. I haven't decided on R3 or D1 yet, they will be determined by what the 5v supply can output.

Will the circuit below work for this purpose?


Best Answer

The relevant formula for this sort of circuit is below:

$$C_{min} = \frac{t_{HOLD}\cdot I_{OUT}}{\Delta V}$$

In your case, neglecting the voltage drop of the current-limiting resistor, and assuming you can run down to 3.3V, this becomes

$$C_{min} = \frac{10\text{ s}\cdot I_{OUT}}{5\text{V} - V_{diode} - 3.3\text{V}}$$

Ballpark numbers:

Use a Schottky diode, and you'll maybe have 300 mV for the diode drop. Let's say the Pi draws 0.4A.

With these numbers, the equation above gives 2.9F. So your capacitor is close, but might not be quite enough.

A 12V battery, charger, and buck converter might be a better way to do this. You'd at least be able to avoid the giant capacitor.