Electronic – Raw access to CMOS image sensor


I am interested in developing an idea using CMOS sensors, and I was wondering if I could get some pointers (I don't know much about image sensors)

First, my understanding is that CMOS image sensors can (in theory) access pixels one at a time — like simplified 2d ram there is a vertical line and horizontal line select — this is different than CCDs which typically have to read out chunks of pixels at a time. Please correct me if I am wrong.

If I am correct is it possible to get a raw CMOS sensor that let's me read out pixels in what ever order and timing I feel like (so I specifically do not want an easy to use, standardized video format, and I am willing to do the various downstream DSP and error correcting myself.)

At this stage of my project, I don't need a high resolution, low noise setup — something simple would be fine, I just want complete control over how I read out the pixels. (However, if the system came with simple optics and shutter that would be great)

Does anyone know of such a setup? Are all CMOS sensors available in raw format, or is what I'm asking for very odd?

Best Answer

You might want to read about the Kepler spacecraft's CCD readout system. Monitoring thousands of stars at a time continuously, with 42 CCD chips, is just too much data. It doesn't take conventional 2D images but reads out only the CCD cells in areas of interest. Sounds sort of like what you're asking about.

Basic info http://kepler.nasa.gov/Mission/QuickGuide/MissionDesign/PhotometerAndSpacecraft/

More detailed technical info http://iopscience.iop.org/2041-8205/713/2/L87/fulltext/apjl_713_2_87.text.html

Plenty more is available online, in particular from NASA Ames and the SETI Institute.