Microcontroller – Reasons for Default Pin-States to Pull-Up/Down


On many MCUs, pin-states default to tri-stated (a.k.a. analog inputs) when the MCU resets so as to not affect the circuits they are connected to until software configures the pins. The tri-stated pins also allow the HW designer to choose the pull state of each pin on a case-by-case basis in function of the underlying circuitry.

However, there are some MCUs (and SoCs) that default their pins to instead activate an internal pull-up/down. For example, the LPC845 defaults all pins to pull-ups coming out of reset.
LPC845 Datasheet Section 8.11.1

Is there a reason defaulting pins to pull-up/down is preferable to tri-stated (other than the possible incremental power savings when coming out of a reset, or the marginal BOM cost savings)?

If anything, I rarely find that pins should be pulled-up coming out of reset (I typically need to pull them down, if at all).

Best Answer

Because it's good practice to never leave logic pins purely floating.
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