Electronic – Rewriting PIC configuration bytes at runtime


My device is the dsPIC33EP64MC202. I have a bootloader which loads a program in flash to run or erases and rewrites that program as directed by serial commands. If possible, I would like to account for the possibility of changing the shared configuration bytes in the future, but it seems that might be impossible without a physical programmer.

From DS70618C (dsPIC33E/PIC24E Family Reference Manual), Section 30 (Device Configuration),

Erasing the last page of program memory will automatically enable code protection, which
prevents further reads or writes to program memory. As a result, it is not recommended to
perform a page erase on the last page of memory where the Configuration bits are stored.

Given that erasing the page with the configuration words triggers code protection, how do I change the configuration bytes in my bootloader? I have tested erasing that page and writing new values to 0xAFF0 – 0xAFFA. Sure enough, only the original, unmodified values are there (before and after reset).

Best Answer

I did a bit more digging on the site, and this answer for PIC16 makes me think I can't write configuration bytes for dsPIC33E in a bootloader at runtime.