RF Antenna Matching Circuit and PCB Design for 868 MHz SigFox Device – RF, Antenna


I'm designing a Sigfox sensor device based on WISOL/SFM10R1 a SigFox verfied module by WiSOL and Atmega328.

I need to understand the parameters for 868 MHz RF Antenna Matching circuit and PCB trace width needed for the design. Following are few design layout and sketches.

I'm attaching a 50 Ω external antenna to uFL connector on board. Currently trace width of track from WiSOL module to uFL connector is 0.6096 mm

RF PCB Layout


enter image description here

Component value here are not correct and thats what I want to know the way to calculate it.
I'm not a RF expert its difficult subject for me.

I found one online calculator which I tried to use as a simple guide at
https://www.eeweb.com/tools/microstrip-impedance for calculating
trace-width. But as per my current parameters I'm getting trace-width of approx
3 mm which does not looks practical.


  • Trace Thickness: 17umm (I hope this means copper thickness)
  • Substrate Height: 1.6mm (This is probably PCB thickness.)
  • Trace Width: ?
  • Substrate Dielectric: 4 (I'm using FR4 PCB board so i guess this is ok)

Freq: 868 MHz

I have few questions here:

  1. Which calculator should I go for – Microstrip, Symmetric stripline or embedded strip at the link I mentioned above, as im having double sided PCB and antenna trace is on top layer!
  2. What will be the way to calculate value of component to match the antenna of 50 Ω
  3. Does length of trace also matters?
  4. Why I'm getting 3mm trace width? Where I am going wrong?
  5. Whats the significance of those multiple vias added around antenna in most designs.
  6. Any other suggestion to improve this antenna circuit design which should considered from certification point of view.

Best Answer

Your Pi matching network will look like this ( or similar values, that provide a high-Q??? resonance at 868 MHZ)


simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab