Electronic – RS-485 shield and ground wiring practice


After some reading I was convinced that I have three options:

  1. The best: connect A and B lines to a twisted pair, signal ground (SG) line to therd wire in the cable (or to a second twisted pair) and connect cable shield to protection ground (PG) only at one side (important!!!) of the network.
  2. If there is no sheld: I should connect A and B to a twisted pair and SG to therd wire.
  3. If there is no third wire: I should connect A and B to a twisted pair and SG to shiled on either sides.

I'd avoid using earth as third wire (Signal Ground) or skipping SG connection.

enter image description here

Is there anything I left behind?

Best Answer

This is a huge topic and one can not give an answer without knowing more about the system setup and the noise sources.

In general: Twisting the cables is good against inductive coupling (of magnetic field), whereas shielding the cables is good against electric coupling (of electric field).

But this holds only true if the system is designed in a way that the shielded currents can not harm the signal link.