Electronic – RS485 ground noise problem


I'm using the USB FTDI dongle to convert USB to RS485, half duplex, 3 wires (A+, B-, GND) with 115200 baud rate.

I'm working with controller of NXP (K64) and I'm experiencing random tx enables on the input signal of the MX3362 (half duplex RS485 to UART). the tx enable is caused due to noise (?) coming from the outside into the inputs of the max3362 (I think).

When I disconnected the GND wire, the problem disappeared. When I'v lowered down the baud rate to 9600, also, the problem disappeared, so I'm guessing it is concerned with noisy ground.

Some board I've tested act the same, but others still have issue, nevertheless, when lowering down the baudrate, it seems those phenomenas has decreased but not vanished (in those boards).
Any ideas how to overcome that issue?

Attached my electrical scheme:

enter image description here

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