Electronic – S21 parameters multiplication


I have a two port system which consists of two subsystems. Is the multiplication of S21 parameters of the subsystems equal to that of the whole system?

enter image description here

Best Answer

It isn't that simple. There can also be an effect due to reflections back and forth between the input of L and the output of K.

If L has no input reflections (\$S_{11}=0\$) or K has no reverse reflections (\$S_{22}=0\$), then your formula should work. (Edit: As I think about it some more, you'd also need to have a perfectly matched load on the output of L)

But if that's not the case, you have to jump through more hoops. The usual approach is to transform the model to a different representation called "T parameters":

$$T_{11}=\frac{1}{S_{21}}$$ $$T_{12}=-\frac{S_{22}}{S_{21}}$$ $$T_{21}=\frac{S_{11}}{S_{21}}$$ $$T_{22}=\frac{-(S_{11}S_{22}-S_{12}S_{21})}{S_{21}}$$

The T parameters can then be cascaded:

$$T^{(KL)}=T^{(L)} T^{(K)}$$

And then the T parameters can be transformed back to S parameters:

$$S_{11}=\frac{T_{21}}{T_{11}}$$ $$S_{12}=\frac{(T_{11}T_{22}-T_{12}T_{21})}{T_{11}}$$ $$S_{21}=\frac{1}{T_{11}}$$ $$S_{22}=-\frac{T_{12}}{T_{11}}$$