Electronic – Safety relay toggle time


I am currently working with software for a safety relay and during my work I started to think about how much time it takes for a relay to switch.

The relay and it's data sheet I am using can be found here:

Can somebody help me understand how to calculate the time for this relay to toggle when it has maximum current load (6A)? Considering the worst case scenario.

I suspect that the parameter "Frequency of operation, with/without load 6/300min-1" have something to do with my question but I can't understand it.

Best Answer

I assume you mean how long will it take the relay to open and interrupt power to its load. I'm not sure if that 300/minute spec holds the answer to the question, but it does suggest an upper limit of maybe 100 ms. In practice it depends quite a bit on what kind of coil suppression is used. For more info see: http://www.cbxelectronics.com/pdf/app-notes/app-note1.pdf

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