Electronic – Sallen-Key topology LPF (Butterworth)


I performed the AC analysis of the following circuit: enter image description here

This is a simple second order LPF satisfying the butterworth filter requirements. According to me after the break point there will be a continuous decrease in magnitude by -40db/decade but this was not the case as seen below:

enter image description here

The pictures shows that the response decreased by almost -40db per decade but it then started to increase uptill a certain point which according to me indicates the presence of a zero. But there is no zero in the T.F of the sallen-key topology. So please can someone explain why this happens?

Best Answer

Up to about 100kHz, it all goes as expected.

Unfortunately, after that, the op-amp output impedance rises so much that it's unable to control the feed-forward path that comes through R1 and C2.

Consider increasing the impedance of the filter components, so use 8.2k and 1nF, which should push trouble up another decade in frequency. A faster op-amp would also help. Also, try an 'ideal' op-amp in simulation to see the problem go away.

Another one to consider is the 3rd order Sallen Key, which has an RC input, which puts a true passive 6dB/octave on the response, which may disguise the bad thing sufficiently to be acceptable.