Electronic – Scaling music-driven LED box

led stripmusic

I am trying to replicate http://www.instructables.com/id/Music-LED-Light-Box/ . But instead of using 6 LEDs, I want to go with >150 LEDs (also, using a LED strip instead of the individual LEDs), how can I make this circuit scale? Do I just append more LEDs or does it get waaaay more complicated? Is it different to add the LED strip rather than soldering LED by LED, manually?

The best thing about this circuit was its simplicity, and I'm trying to keep it.

edit: the initial circuit diagram is in the step 6 of the original instructable

enter image description here

Best Answer

Note, the original solution is a horrible way to get music reactive lights.

But I will still answer it.

Use a small transistor with better gain, to drive the low gain but high current TIP31. Allows a smaller current from the audio, but requires a higher voltage.


simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab

Might not work, if the audio signal can't provide a 0.65 + 1.8v drop across the small transistor vbe and tip31 vbe. Still has a risk of blowing the speaker driver, but less than the original. I hope you don't care about your ipod or computer output too much.

Only provides a single channel. If you use one on both Right and Left audio, you can get two colors.

Better Way

Use an opamp to boost and split the audio: enter image description here

Use one output to go to the speakers, and use the other two for your led driving transistor. Duplicate for both left and right audio. Leave out the 50 uf capacitor for the led outputs.