Electronic – Schematic Editor – Library files


I am using Eagle5.11 to prepare schematic diagram. I need the .lbr file for
enter image description hereenter image description here

Breakaway-Male Header,CAT9532 SOIC 28 pin package..

So where can i find a bulk of .lbr files for these small but necessary components?

What other .lbr's you would suggest for a guy preparing schematics for his projects that includes things like interfacing pic mcu(16f/32mx) with driver ic's(uln2003) and lots of sensors?

I got one from sparkfun but that doesnt contain what I am looking for

Thanks in advance..

Best Answer

The microbuilder library http://www.microbuilder.eu/Projects/EagleFootprintLibrary.aspx is pretty good and is maintained by the all around nice guy Kevin Townsend. There is also the adafruit library https://github.com/adafruit/Adafruit-Eagle-Library

That said, it would probably take no more than 5 minutes to draw that 100 mil header. In my experience Eagle footprints, even the standard ones, are of varying quality and it pays to learn to draw your own.