Electronic – Searching for standalone unix development board to connect DC motors


I though a bit about the board and came to the conclusion that it may be more intelligent to use a stand-alone component which provides serial ports and an unix os which I then can control over the network. I want to write the port driver myself so it shouldn't require to implement a big sub protocol like I have to do with USB and similar.

Which board is recommended for such a task?

I found so far:

  • gooseberry
  • beagleBoneBlack (does this require a host?)
  • cuubieboard
  • else?

they mostly support the arm branch of FreeBSD as fallback archlinuxarm is there too

Is there a better port then the old serial one?

Best Answer

Well you can take pretty much any AVR development board and load VUSB on it. It's a fully open source USB stack for the AVR. I've used it in a number of projects along with LIBUSB. It works great and runs on pretty much anything. Note though that since it's software based it's only USB1, shouldn't be a problem in your case though.