Electronic – Self-adjusting analog signal translator


I think this question is best asked on concrete-ish terms, so, here it goes.

Let's say we have 4 wires, all with common ground:

A) ≈9V-20V, varying.

B) ≈3V-6V, varying.

C) A low frequency analog signal (<1kHz), which can vary from 0 to A.

D) In here, I need to output the analog signal from wire C, but translated from range 0-A to range 0-B.

Point of the circuit being that it should self adjust to always translate the signal from range 0-A to range 0-B, even if A, B or both change.

I'm basically stuck, any pointer or a suggestion would be appreciated.

Best Answer

  • Get an ADC. Set its analogue reference to be the voltage value on line A.

  • Get a DAC. Set its analogue reference to be the voltage value on line B.

  • Connect the ADC digital output with the DAC digital input.

  • Connect signal "C" to the ADC input.

  • Connect line "D" output to the DAC output.

  • Set both ADC and DAC for continual conversion (you might need a pulse generator).

If the "A" line range of 0 to 20 volts is too high for a particular ADC, then pot down to make 20 volts become 5 volts (for instance). Ditto the signal line "C". Same ratio of potting down.

If you can't get a suitable DAC that can have a reference input of 6 volts (line "B") then pot it down then, take the DAC output through an op-amp amplifier to restore to the value you need for line "D".