Electronic – Sensor to distinguish between daylight and artificial light in a room


is there a way to distinguish between daylight and artificial light in a room? I'm thinking my options are a light intensity sensor or a color temperature sensor. The sunlight is supposed to be much stronger than artificial light. But I'm wondering if the case will be the same inside a room. Or does the idea seem silly to distinguish between both?

Best Answer

Methods off the top of my head:

  1. Full spectrograph. As others have mentioned the profiles of various indoor lights will all be different than the sun.

enter image description here

  1. Look for UV, the sun has a lot of UV. Indoor lights do not. That's the simplest difference between the sunlight and artificial light.

  2. Monitor the brightness. It's hard to tell because your eyes rapidly adjust, but a sunny day outside is 5-50 times brighter than "bright" indoor lights. The downside to this is that an overcast day, and bright indoor lighting will begin to overlap. https://www.engineeringtoolbox.com/light-level-rooms-d_708.htmlhttps://www.engineeringtoolbox.com/light-level-rooms-d_708.html