Electronic – Shared bias voltage for quad op-amp


I'm pretty inexperienced in EE, but I'm adapting the circuit given in this question to amplify microphone inputs to drive an ADC.

I am going to be driving 4 ADC channels (on a Beaglebone Black) from 4 microphones, so I'm planning to use a quad op-amp.

op-amp driver circuit for 1.8V ADC

The upper left of the circuit is a voltage divider providing bias voltage, with a 1MΩ resistor R3 isolating it.

My naive question is this: How much of the bias voltage circuit do I have to replicate per-channel? Can I drive all four channels from the node at the right of a single copy of R3?

Best Answer

You can use the same divider for all channels but you need to replicate R3 for each channel.

In other words, there can be a single version of R1, R2, and C2, but there should be an \$R3_A\$, \$R3_B\$, \$R3_C\$, \$R3_D\$, where they all connect to the same node on the left, but each connects to the appropriate input on the right.