Electronic – Shield grounding location for an STP cable in a balanced system


If a balanced source or driver is coupled to a differential balanced receiver via a balanced STP cable as shown in the hand drawn illustration below:

enter image description here

in such case I have read that grounding the shield of the STP cable at both receiver and source side might cause ground loops.

Is there a difference between using |AA’| and |BB’| for grounding the shield? In other words is there a consensus about whether the shield must be grounded at receiver end or the source end? And what happens if the shield is not grounded at all?

Best Answer

Best practice is to ground the shield at the receiver end. This of course assumes that the transmit end (the sending end) is designed adequately.

Not grounding the shield raises the net capacitance of the inner conductors to any aggressor electric field and creates higher common mode voltages on the differential pair and, due to small impedance imbalances on the differential pair, some of that common mode interference is converted to differential interference.

Hence not grounding the shield creates more interference on the otherwise pure signal and deteriorates the receiver amplifier’s ability to reject common mode noise.