Electronic – Should I avoid a switching frequency close to the target SPI or CAN frequency

buckemcpower supplysignal integrityswitching-regulator

I have a kind of an open-ended question.

If I'm designing a board with a buck converter and have picked out my peripherals, and say for example I want to run my CAN FD interface at 1MHz baud and maybe a SPI signal at 1MHz, and I am now looking at power supply design.

I am looking at a buck switching regulator which has a switching frequency at 1.4MHz. Is there any big EMI issues with having the switching frequency so close to the frequency of my other signals running through the board? Should I aim at either a higher or lower frequency?

Pretty open-ended question, but I never really thought of it until I ran into it.

Best Answer

If the regulator were that bad it'd screw up the board operation no matter what.

If you had a radio in there, then having a regulator switching at the RF frequency or a sub-multiple of it could be an issue (as could having a microprocessor clock close to a frequency you care about). But CAN and SPI aren't going to notice anything that won't generally make the whole board unable to function.