Electronic – Should I use Magnet Wire as a conductor in this experiment


I need to run a few wires from a HMC5883L compass sensor to a micro-controller to process the data. Can I use magnet wire to carry the signals from the sensor to the micro-controller or would the signals between the wires interfere with each other?

There are about 5 or 6 individual wires running from the sensor to the micro-controller. Is this a bad idea or should I get some thicker wire?

The team is just worried that the signals might cross over. This is the last part of the experiment that we need to do and we just want to know if the wire will hold up.

Best Answer

Magnet wire is no different that normal wire except insulation is very thin and it's prone to scratching and exposing conductor causing short circuits. If you can live with that, I don't see why not.