Electronic – Should Shielding GND be isolated from circuit GND


In my system, I have 3 Grounds:

DGND, AGND and Shielding GND,

What steps should I take to isolate shielding ground from the other grounds that exist? Should I connect them with ferrites or use some of the solutions listed in this question about connecting DGND and AGND?

Best Answer

The shielding ground, by which i presume you mean the Earth and chassis as so forth, doesn't necessarily require a low impedance path to the circuit. You could short them together, but if you do make sure its done at a single point, possibly close to the power supply.

You should, however ensure that it's at a fixed voltage with respect to your system ground. A resistor to the system ground shod do the trick. It would hold the chassis at close to the system ground and would also provide a more direct path to earth from any noise or discharge the chassis may experience from the environment, than going through potentially sensitive circuitry.

I am assuming that your system ground is otherwise isolated from the Earth through a transformer.