Electronic – SIM900 antenna design


I'm designing a hardware for a hobby purpose involving SIM900. I'm a newbie when it comes to antenna design. I was wondering what would be the best antenna choice to start with. Even though chip antennas do have some design complexities involves, I'm bend on using them since they're kind of compact. My question is whether chip antennas will be able to radiate enough power to transmit to cellular base stations. I haven't seen any SIM900 modules with chip antennas.



Best Answer

I would take a look at the Taoglas PA.22a chip antenna or the Pulse W3073.

They tend to be a little pricey on low quantities, but they are purpose built quad-band (850/900/1800/1900 MHz) antennas that should work with the SIM900 if appropriately designed.

A well matched and well designed chip antenna will certainly radiate enough power based on the max-power output of the SIM900 (1W-2W).