Electronic – Simple voltage regulator circuit with 7805c outputs very low voltage


I am trying to make simple voltage regulator circuit from my 9V battery to 5V using 7805c voltage regulator. The schematic looks like this:


simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab

My question is – why the output voltage is so low? Did I fried somehow IC or I messed something with values.

One more extra question: Checking a lot of different schematics to build my circuit I found a lot of different values for each of C. So how they should be chosen? Is there any formula for that, or something?

Best Answer

If you have not mixed up input and output, the chip is toast. You don't need to connect to the tab, but IN/GND/OUT should be as shown below.

enter image description here

It's fairly hard to kill these things with a 9V battery though, so I'd suspect a wiring error first.