Electronic – Simulating Altera FPGAs with an old version of ModelSim


I'm hoping to do some development work on Altera FPGAs that will likely be larger than is supported by the free edition of ModelSim. I have an old copy of the full version hanging around (version 6.5, I think) — is this likely to work for designs with modern FPGAs (e.g. Cyclone IV), or do I need to upgrade?

Best Answer

Well theoretically it should work, the only thing you need to do is to compile your libraries in modelsim. One thing I don't understand is why do you think your files would not work with modelsim? Is it because you are using Verilog 2001 or syntax that is not supported? As long as your code is written in high level language like verilog and VHDL, you will be able to fix it so it can work with older version of Modeslsim.