Electronic – smoke detector for that “burning electronics” smell


We all know that characteristic odor of fried electronics… when you "let the magic smoke" out of the chip.

Unfortunately it doesn't seem to set of ordinary smoke detectors, at least not at concentrations anywhere near the level where humans can smell it. The gas isn't visible, so it's doubtful that an IR or particulate detector would work either.

Is there a different kind of smoke detector that does detect this? Or a way to make one?

Looking for something to use as the "last line of defense" in a remotely-deployed (unattended) system.

Best Answer

Aspirating smoke detectors or VESDA (Very Early Smoke Detection Apparatus) are used to detect very low concentration of smoke particles, before potential inflammation occurs (smell / particles from overheated power cable, smell by fried IC in equipment etc). For example, almost every medium - large data center have it.

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