Electronic – Solar cell power output comparison without MPPT

mpptsolar cellsolar energyvoltage measurement

I am interested in measuring the relative power output of a solar cell when it is placed behind glass and other materials. For example, one might guess that the cell's power output is reduced by 70% when placed behind frosted glass.

One thought I had to measure this was to use a very small resistor. Going by this diagram for the cell (Maxeon C60), we can see that we don't want voltage going over ~0.5 V, or the current drops. A small resistor ensures we stay in the constant-current region of the cell:

enter image description here

Assuming an absolute maximum current of 10 A, that means we need a 0.5 / 10 = 0.05 Ohm resistor.

Since $$P = \frac{V^2}{R}$$ we can see that e.g. if we measure half the original voltage, our power output is 25% of the original.

Does that make sense? I am wondering how accurate this will be. Are there any cases, like very low light, where this can break down? Thanks.

Best Answer

That will describe the power produced by the cell in your arrangement, but not the power the cell is capable of producing.

To do that most accurately would require MPPT tracking of some sort (which could be as simple as turning a wirewound pot while continuously logging V and I, and finding the peak in a spreadsheet or Python script).

But a simpler way would be to observe from the graph above, that independent of the illumination (within the ranges on the graph) the current remains relatively constant below 0.5V. So, measure current and multiply by 0.5 to get approximate power.

If you're interested in illumination ranges below the graph, you would have to establish this relationship still held, by separate measurements.