Electronic – Solar powered mini fan

capacitorfansolar energy

for a school project I have to do something that needs the environment to work, my plans are to make a solar powered mini fan, now my question. How can I make that the fan ( 6v dc motor) keeps working for little while even after I block the solar panel. Do I simply put a capacitor? If yes, how do I know wich capacitor( values) should I get?. Thanks for the help

Best Answer

A large capacitor would work, yes. Just get something rated for more than six volts (I'd recommend more than twelve, a wide margin is a good thing to have!) and a large capacitance; the larger, the longer it will continue to run, assuming the panel was able to fully charge the capacitor before it was blocked. If you want it to run for a very long time, you might want to look at electric double-layer capacitors, also known as supercapacitors, which can have very high capacitance.