Electronic – Soldering breadboard wires onto a small chip


I have some DWM1000's that I need to use for a project. One will be connected to a raspberry pi 3 B+ as the tag and 1-4 others will be connected to arduino's as the anchors. I am having trouble though with soldering wires to these chips. I want to use these breadboard wires I have and just remove the plastic covers on one end. I already took off the connectors on one chip, making it useless. Is there a better way to go about this? My background is in computer science so I'm a total noob with soldering stuff like this. Pic provided. Thank you.

enter image description here

Best Answer

Use a breakout board, soldering wires to something like this is very unlikely to be worth the risk, time, and debugging overhead. Particularly if you have more than one to put together.

If creating your own is not an option (it's something that could be put together in an afternoon, but it does imply a learning curve), you can generally find breakout boards for most widely used components. This is one I found with a quick Google search:

Breakout board

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