Electronic – Solenoid Alternative


I wanted to use solenoids in previous projects and have been let down by the fact that I can't find them here in Egypt. Plus they are a bit expensive. My question is: is there an alternative that it easy to control and cheap? If not, can you direct me to a way to easily make my own solenoids with limited materials (since I need 31 in a specific project)?

EDIT: I need to push or pull no more than 1". Please no links to buy solenoids.

Best Answer

Thread and nut actuator:

@KevinVermeer - gave a very good suggestion.
He said "you could use a threaded-rod linear actuator for slow but powerful actuation ..."

Any thread and nut system can be used including used nuts and bolts if desired.

Speed need not be overly slow and unlike a solenoid you can maintain constant force over as large a distance as your wish.

Any motor can rotate a threaded rod with a nut on it.
The nut travels a distance of RPM /60/TPI inches per second.
where TPI = turns per inch of thread.
eg with a 3000 RPM motor and 30 tpi thread the travel is
inches/second = 3000/60/30 ~= 1.666 inches/second.

Force is affected by motor power.

The thread is effectively a gearbox.

You can make a quick return system by using a half nut that is held against the thread by a weight and pulls against a spring. When desired the nut is lifted off the thread and spring returned. Care needed to avoid thread damage.

Electric motors of various sorts are available from many sources including new, in toys, in printers and in many domestic appliances. Non electric motors and even eg hand cranked systems can use this method.