Electronic – Solenoid circuit current draw doesn’t match calculations

current measurementsolenoid

I have a circuit of 6 solenoids connected to Darlington Array (http://www.ti.com/lit/ds/symlink/uln2803a.pdf) and driven by 18V (2x9V batteries) as can be seen below:

enter image description here

From what I understand, each load should draw 200mA (18V/88Ohm) and when all of them are switched on at the same time, the total draw should be 1.2A. They are all in the active state for a brief moment (20ms).

I wanted to confirm my calculations by measuring the total current draw with a multimeter connecting it in series with the current source.

The measurements showed a maximum of 47mA draw instead of 1.2A.

What could be the reason why the actual measurement does not match the theoretical?

Best Answer

Your meter is not fast enough to capture the 20ms current pulse it is averaging it over a period of time to give you the reading you see.

If you have a scope monitor the voltage across a small resistor connected in series with the voltage source to see the real current.