Electronic – Some questions about using h-parameters to model a BJT


Below is an excerpt from a book which explains why h-parameters model is suitable for a BJT:

enter image description here

I have couple of questions regarding the paragraph and use of h-parameters:

1-) The text says the reason h-parameters used is that it fits BJT CE as a model. But if we use h-parameters for BJT the independent variables become the base current I1=Ib and the collector voltage V2=Vce. But BJT is a voltage controlled current source which means Vbe must be the independent variable. Why not using a model where V1=Vbe is independent instead of I1=Ib?

2-) Why are h-parameters are valid only for small-signal analysis but not large signal-analysis? Is that because they are not constant for large signals? Why?

Best Answer

But BJT is a voltage controlled current source which means Vbe must be the independent variable.

  1. This is your bias (input voltage). Many users put emphasis on input current rather than voltage. Even so, current gain for many BJT is not constant over the whole universe of operating current. As for output, a current source is an obvious choice.
    Nothing stops you from characterizing BJT with H-parameters for common-base or common-collector.

  2. H-parameters only apply to linear circuits. Can't use them when output is not proportional to input. For example, a sine wave going in should yield a sine wave coming out of the 2-port.