Prototyping – Finding SSOP to DIP Adapters


I need a prototyping adapter for a ssop 24-pin package. Google turns up plenty of dip adapters for 5-7mm chips, but the chip I have is 3.9mm across the body and 6mm to the tips of the pins.

Anyone know of source of a suitable adapter? Doesn't necessarily have to be a dip, just something solderable by humans.

Best Answer

Standard SSOP land pads should fit this device. 8.8mm from the extreme ends of the pads, width-wise, leaves 1.1mm on each side within which to solder, according to your 6mm measurement. The breakout board on Sparkfun's site looks like it has 1.5mm pads, but they just barely start at 6mm apart. These ones from Aries may be a better bet:

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