SPI, RS232, DMX-512 Signals Under ESP8266-WROOM-02 Antenna


I am working on DMX-512 Controller, which will accept commands for driving Addressable LED strip (GE60RGBW8812A) via ESP-WROOM-02 Wifi Controller and I have several data lines (SPI, RS232 and DMX-512) under ESP-WROOM-02's on-chip antenna:
PCB Antenna
Here is another, zoomed and layer-filtered image:
PCB Antenna zoomed
And another screenshot for clarification:
PCB without rastnet
This is my first Wifi PCB design and my guts tell me I've done horrible mistake placing these data lines under the mentioned PCB antenna. Should I reroute data lines or is this design ok?

Best Answer

You really should check out the ESP32 Hardware Design Guidelines, where they clearly show ideal and non-ideal positioning of a module like the WROOM on a carrier PCB: Module over-hang preferred

But if you can't let the module's PCB antenna over-hang due to whatever constraints of your overall design requirements, then this guideline is the fall-back option: Module wholly within the carrier PCB

The 'keep-out zone' is where you have no components, no copper (no tracks, no planes, nothing), nothing but bare PCB.

So no, any tracks (and other metals) near the WROOM's PCB-antenna will negatively impact wireless performance, and also have wifi/bluetooth signals coupling at point blank range to your other digital signals.

P.S. Perhaps in future hold off for a day or two before awarding a correct answer, until there are a few answers to choose from :-)

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