Electronic – Spice Simulation Models


Where can one go to find SPICE models? I am curious if there is a giant repository out there somewhere that I can search?

In particular, I am looking for a model for an LM317 voltage regulator, at the moment. However, I can't find this on Linear's site and I am not having much luck with the other manufacturers for their parts. It seems like this would be a very common problem for designers wishing to simulate their circuits?


Best Answer

Usually if I need a model that's not in LTSpice, I go onto the manufacturers website (LM means National Semiconductor so you would try there in this case) and type the part number in then look under tools/models on the part's page.
Here's a random example for the LM7732.

If that doesn't work then google "spice [part number]" often turns something up.

For the LM317, the first technique didn't work, but google turned a TI model up, linked to in one of the posts on this page.