Electronic – standard reference designator to use for labelling indicator lamps in schematics


In a schematic, LEDs typically are labelled using the letter 'D' since they are diodes. From what I can tell, it seems that there is no standard for labelling indicator lamps (e.g. small incandescent bulbs) in a schematic. My question is: is there a letter that is typically used for labelling indicator lamps in schematics? Or is there any published standard which defines the "proper" labels to use in schematics for indicator lamps?

Best Answer

In fact there is a standard: IEEE Std315-1975 Graphic Symbols for Electrical and Electronics Diagrams (Including Reference Designation Letters)

The standard specifies a reference designator of "DS" for a "general light source", "lamp", and "signal light". It has the same reference designation for "light-emitting solid-state device", by the way.