Electronic – Standard/Specification for regular alkaline batteries


Where can one find the standard specification for regular alkaline AAA, AA, C and D batteries? I mean, I know that different suppliers must have different battery capacity/property but there must be some standard that regulates this market. Eg.: maximum allowed current, minimum energy capacity, etc.

Best Answer

Where can one find the standard specification for regular alkaline AAA, AA, C and D batteries?

The international standard is IEC 60086, specifically:
IEC 60086-2:2015 - Primary batteries - Part 2: Physical and electrical specifications
(current cost is CHF 250)

Abstract: IEC 60086-2:2015 is applicable to primary batteries based on standardized electrochemical systems. It specifies the physical dimensions, the discharge test conditions and discharge performance requirements. [...]

Examples of IEC battery type designations include:

  • alkaline AA = LR6
  • alkaline AAA = LR03

Other IEC battery designations are given in the Wikipedia article on battery sizes.

(I believe there is an ANSI-equivalent to this IEC standard, but I haven't used it.)